The why, the where and the who. Five years of professional killing; or was it just defending his country or someone else’s anyway? I’m sick of this life he thought, so Jack being Jack…… Interest piqued? Please read on..
I have always had a great passion for reading. No matter what the subject or genre. Out of respect for the skills, passion and time devoted, no author should be ignored (perhaps this is a very broad, sweeping statement, but in general I believe to be true).
Its just getting enough time to read all you want is next to impossible. So before I decide to check out I thought, hey wouldn’t it be great to be one of those people that actually writes, and here I am.
My genre – historical fiction. As I said I love it all, but you have got to pick one. The blend of history, in particular those events through time that have shaped our lives, and fiction, a bit of action to achieve an end never hurt anyone, particularly when you are trying to exercise your imagination.
My first assignment for Jack straight out of the Army – A damsel in distress tied up in the historical intrigue of Lithuania. A subject not covered all that well. But why Lithuania? During my overseas trips Lithuania was a short stay of about three days. The countryside, the history and the maze of historical buildings, all associated with medieval times and the royal dynasties, all piqued my interest in Lithuania’s overall beauty.
Originally Published 10th June 2017