The Official website of J.B.E. McNally including
Jack Carpenter and Friends - All champions for the twenty-first century and beyond

So much had happened in the eighteen months since Jack and Agnetha’s almost life-ending trials and tribulations at the hands of the Lithuanian Mafia and the Order of the Teutonic Knights in Vilnius.
A new life, new careers, a honeymoon in the Maldives… until the Code Red.
Their biggest challenge as JADE. Jack, Agnetha and Danny’s newly formed Private Investigation corporation.
The Code Red would lead them into more intrigue and danger than they could have imagined possible.
Read More on Jack's latest adventure as he, Agnetha and Danny trawl through the chequered past of mediaeval Viking plundering and exploration as it collides with present-day enemies from the past
Select the buttons to the left to follow Jack through the maze of intrigue as he and his team solve puzzle after puzzle; The Sagas of Iceland, The Icelandic magic of the Northern Grimoires and the Advent of the Lutherans into Iceland.
Only then will they be closer to preventing one of the largest mass murders in Scandinavian and north Atlantic history.
Eirik and Thjodhild’s youngest son. The greatest mediaeval explorer of the North Atlantic and real discoverer of North America and husband of Unn Sigurdsdottir
The Eriksson Bequest
Want to learn more about Leif Eriksson- Just hover your mouse or engage your touch-screen
The wonders and beauty of Iceland
Finally, Jack's second quest is available in all formats. By clicking the buttons below you can check out his Viking adventure via ebook at Amazon for Kindle, Kobo.com and barnesandnoble.com for their readers and Smashwords for other formats. The paperback is also ready at Amazon. For Apple iBooks, you can download via the Apple Store. happy reading.

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